
Elite HS logo in black color with no background

Both The Patrick School programs use a hybrid developmental model for their teams and players that blends the philosophy of the development programs of the NBA, USA Basketball, and European basketball clubs.

The high school program at Union, an associated member of the NJSIAA, restricts the operation of this model to the summer session and in-season in accord with NJSIAA (of which we are an affiliated member) regulations.

This blended model, known as the TPSBTI (TPS Basketball Training Institute) model, views the development of a play as a long-term, holistic educational project. Just as a student would learn markedly difference things in a 7 th grade math class than a senior math course, the TPSBTI also has a “basketball curriculum” that progresses through each stage. Moreover, just as advanced math students often take Algebra in 7 th grade or Calculus as early as sophomore year, each student-athlete in the TPSBTI program is challenged at their current level and pushed to progress and improve each day of permissible training.

TPS Basketball Program Structure

Basketball Academy

This blended model, known as the TPSBTI (TPS Basketball Training Institute) model, views the development of a play as a long-term, holistic educational project. Just as a student would learn markedly different things in a 7th grade math class than a senior math course, the TPSBTI also has a “basketball curriculum” that progresses through each stage. Moreover, just as advanced math students often take Algebra in 7th grade or Calculus as early as sophomore year, each student-athlete in the TPSBTI program is challenged at their current level and pushed to progress and improve each day of permissible training.

Student-athletes at the TPSBTI are training along each relevant performance dimension, including but not limited to the following:

Individual Offensive Actions

  • Ball handling
  • Dribbling
  • Shooting
  • Offensive footwork
  • Ball screen offense
  • Passing
  • Using Screens
  • Setting Screens
  • Reading screens
  • Offensive rebounding
  • Post-up offense

Individual Defensive Actions

  • Containing the dribble
  • Defensive slides
  • Closeouts
  • Footwork to get through screens
  • Containing the dribble
  • Positional help defense
  • Jumping to the ball
  • Boxing out
  • Helping in the post
  • Double teaming
  • Transition defense

Team Concepts and Actions

  • Spacing
  • Pace
  • Offensive Reads
  • Defensive Reads
  • Special Situations
  • General Offensive Philosophy
  • General Defensive Philosophy
  • Scouting and Understanding Scouting Reports
  • How to Maximize Performance on Road Trips

Intangible Mental Skills

  • Basketball IQ development
  • Understanding basketball history and its relevance
  • Understanding the game and its future directions
  • How to watch a current game and learn from it

Performance Enhancement Skills

  • Weight training
  • Conditioning
  • Agility drills
  • Speed drills
  • Quickness drills
  • Precise stretching for performance and injury prevention
  • Performance nutrition
  • Sport Psychology
  • Being a Good Teammate
  • Sustaining Locker room and Team Chemistry


Your son/daughter has requested the privilege of taking part in our athletic program. Before he/she may take part, it is necessary for us to have your consent by completing the forms included in this packet.

Write 'none' if you do not have any allergies.

List any operations or illnesses your child has had since his last physical.

In order to help protect the student-athletes of New Jersey, the State of New Jersey and the NJSIAA have mandated that The Patrick School, and all student-athletes, parents/guardians and coaches follow the Concussion Management Policy.

For up-to-date information on concussions, you can go to: In order to help protect the student-athletes of New Jersey, the State of New Jersey and the NJSIAA have mandated that The Patrick School, and all student-athletes, parents/guardians and coaches follow the Concussion Management Policy.

For up-to-date information on concussions, you can go to: Concussions In Youth Sports or NFHS Learn.

In Executive Order 72, issued December 20, 2005, Governor Richard Codey directed the New Jersey Department of Education to work in conjunction with the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) to develop and implement a program of random testing for steroids, of teams and individuals qualifying for championship games.

Beginning in the Fall, 2006 sports season, any student-athlete who possesses, distributes, ingests or otherwise uses any of the banned substances on the attached page, without written prescription by a fully-licensed physician, as recognized by the American Medical Association, to treat a medical condition, violates the NJSIAA’s sportsmanship rule, and is subject to NJSIAA penalties, including ineligibility from competition. The NJSIAA will test certain randomly selected individuals and teams that qualify for a state championship tournament or state championship competition for banned substances. The results of all tests shall be considered confidential and shall only be disclosed to the student, his or her parents, and his or her school. No student may participate in NJSIAA competition unless the student and the student’s parent/guardian consent to random testing.

By signing below, we consent to random testing in accordance with the NJSIAA steroid testing policy. We understand that if the student or the student’s team qualifies for a state championship tournament or state championship competition, the student may be subject to testing for banned substances.

All student-athletes and their parents need to read and become familiar with the Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes brochure.

The parent or guardian of each student-athlete must complete and sign an updated health history questionnaire if the pre-participation physical examination was conducted 90 or more days prior to the first practice session of the athletic season. The health history update questionnaire addresses the specific questions recommended by the American Heart Association.

Since the last pre-participation physical examination, has your son/daughter:


Please list all of the prescription and over-the-counter medicines and supplements (herbal and nutritional) that you are currently taking.

I declare that my signature below signifies my understanding and concurrence with the information completed in the Athletic Packet, which includes: - Student/Emergency Contact Information - Athletic Code of Conduct - Concussion Policy - Steroid Consent to Random Testing - Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes - ImPACT Consent